CBI November 2021

With his chain of PRIME TIME Fitness clubs, German entrepreneur, Henrik Gockel, has reengineered the premium model by placing an emphasis on service, personal training, and outcomes. In this interview, Gockel explains his overall management philosophy and his approach to strategic growth.

“You can live very well from just one club, and you can live very poorly from 10 clubs. So, for me, every club must be profitable.”

Henrik Gockel - Founder and Managing Director



  • What 2021 Taught Us: “Don’t let the wisdom of age be wasted on you.” It’s likely that the fictional fútbol coach Ted Lasso wasn’t the first to say this, but it rings true nonetheless. Lessons learned in the field of play (or work) are teachable moments. Every success and setback is an opportunity to grow. The future is uncertain. Threats will emerge out of nowhere. But we’ve been there, done that. We’ve weathered tough times and accumulated the wisdom of experience. Sure, it doesn’t get easier, but as Ted Lasso also said: “Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.”


News & Know How


IHRSA Report

  • IHRSA 2021: Scenes from the long-awaited IHRSA 2021 Convention & Trade Show in Dallas.
  • Best Practices: Expert advice from Geoffrey Dyer on choosing the right location for your club.
  • Advocacy: What we learned from the Gymshark music copyright case.
  • Legacy: IHRSA board member Greta Wagner on leading the search for IHRSA’s new CEO.