2018 IHRSA Advocacy Impact Report with Legislative Forecasting

How did IHRSA promote and protect your business in 2018? Find out and learn what issues we expect to see this year.

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While you may prefer less government when it comes to running your business, the reality is your state—and national—government continue to introduce policies that could have a significant impact—for both good and bad—on your business. IHRSA’s advocacy efforts aim to protect and promote the health club industry and are often the only line of defense for the industry.

The 2018 IHRSA Advocacy Impact Report with 2019 Legislative Forecasting details the advocacy work, highlights, and lowlights from across the globe and in all 50 states.

In the report you will find:

  • The many ways in which the club industry is targeted—sometimes deliberately, and sometimes accidentally—by lawmakers and their unending desire to regulate and tax.
  • Details of the year’s successes in advocating for the industry.Highlights of the global opportunities for industry growth through policy and alliance building.
  • The trends that the industry should expect in 2019 and beyond.
  • Forecasts to prepare your club of the threats the IHRSA team and its lobbyists across the country expect to face in 2019.

In addition to learning more about all the ways IHRSA—along with our members and help from our Industry Leadership Council members—protected your club in 2018, you’ll find a detailed report of the many ways we are working to grow the industry, such as:

  • Expanding access to physical activity for children and the disabled.
  • Expanding knowledge and research on the benefits of exercise on a global level.
  • Partnering and collaborating with international entities like the WHO to ensure the fitness industry is part of the global dialog around world health.

If you have additional questions after reading this advocacy report, you can always email IHRSA for more information.

“State and national government can have a significant impact on your business. This annual report provides you with an overview of the threats and opportunities. It’s like being able to look in your review mirror and at the same time get a preview as to what is on the road ahead. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.”

Helen Durkin, J.D., Executive Vice President of Public Policy

IHRSA - Boston, MA